Monday, October 24, 2011

7 Tips To Earn More With Adsense

Here is a compilationof some of the best adsense tips that will surely increase your adsenseearnings. I know a lot of people use adsense as their source of income so hereis the list the i made to help you earn more!

   1. Blend adsense with your content

      Your adsense should not look like an adsbut should look like a content. So make the colors of your adsense and thebackground blend with your content. People today avoid ads as much as possibleso this is a very important thing to consider when deciding with the colors ofyour adsense.

      If you want to make people click on youradsense then make them look like a part of your content.

      Also, when choosing the color of youadsense title, i highly recommend blue (#0000FF). The explanation why blue isthe best is pretty simple, it is the most common color for links so people willright away know that it is a link. It is not important that your content titleand adsense title should have the same color because using blue for youradsense title works best.

   2. Make the url go away

      It is against the rules of Google if youmake it invisible to the eyes of the people. One trick to do that is to changeit's color same with the content color of your ads so it will not look like aurl.

   3. Remove the borders

      Blend the border color of your ads withyour background color so it will not be visible. It can help to blend your adswith your content because if you put borders in your ads, it will look morelike an ads and not a good idea.

   4. What type of ads to choose from adsense

      There are a lot of ads to choose fromadsense but one of the most used is the 728 x 90 (leaderboard). This is best touse if you are just starting with adsense and best placed at the top of yourpage (usually under the header title).

      You can also place it between your conentand it blends well with your content. Also, avoid placing ads in your footerbecause not a lot of readers would go that far.

      If you don't have much space for ads, youcan also consider using the 468 x 60 (Banners) and 234 x 60 (Half-Banners). Youcan also place them at the top or in between you content just like theleaderboards. You can experiment by using different ads a week and use the onewith the best results.

      I recommend not using the 468 x60(Banners) type of ads because it is one of the most commonly used one so if youuse it, people will know right away that it's an ads so they will AVOID it.Just like what i said, people avoid ads as much as possible so it's not a goodidea to use the 468 x 60 (Banners).

      From my experience, the 336 x 280 (LargeRectangle) had the MOST CLICKS because it is the type of ads that blends bestwith the content.

      If you want to place ads in yoursidebars, you can choose from 160 x 600 (Wide Skyscraper), 120 x 600(Skyscraper), and 120 x 240 (Vertical Banner). These are the best type of adsthat will fit in your sidebar.

   5. Don't put too much ads on your site

      Avoid putting a lot of ads in your sitebecause if you do that, people will lose interest in visiting your site becausepeople want good content and not ads. So we can use the quality over quantitywhere we place only a few ads but has good placements.

   6. Ads placed above the fold

      People spend a lot of time above the foldso this is the best place to put your ads. Above the fold is the first placewhere people can see without scrolling.

      This is the perfect place for your ads.

   7. Choose text ads over image ads

      In my opinion, people hate banners andwill avoid it as much as possible. Text ads are also easy to blend with yourcontent compared to image ads because you'll never know what kind if image willcome out. But, you can also consider image ads as your last resort.

Lijit Ad Wijit

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