I joined hub pages just over three months ago now; when I joined I was wide eyed with excitement.The opportunity to share my knowledge with the world and and earn adsenserevenue for it just seemed too good to be true. As the days past I realized it wasn't as simple as that, people just don’t visit your articles withoutpromotion so I started researching promotion and I was introduced to theconcept of SEO (search engine optimization). With SEO came back linking andwith back linking came the concept of bookmarking websites of which I learnedthere were hundreds. So I decided to do some research on which bookmarkingsites to use. I then learned that some shared revenue with you whilst others didn't. I decided I should join the revenue sharers; my theory is if they arenot the biggest now they sure will be in the future!
Below is a list of 4google adsense sharing revenue websites to help you promote what you write.Please use the available links to sign up as I get a referral fee, yepeee!!!
Would you like toearn an extra income by doing something you enjoy?Sign up to hubpages and earna passive adsense income from the articles you write.Click on the link here tojoin
Xomba is technicallynot a social bookmarking website, however it does offer you the opportunity todo something called a xombblurb. This is a small summary article that you canlink to your main article. It gives you a 50% share of adsense time and alsodoes very well on google searches . A lot of the xombblurbs and xombytes I haveposted have got a lot of traffic, however it doesn’t have the usability thathubpages has.
Click here to sign upfor an account with xomba!
She told me is asocial bookmarking site that is easy to use and and gives you a 100% of theadsense revenue from your page. It also has the option of putting chitika adson your posts. Thus far I have found shetoldme easy to use. However, I thinkdon’t think the site gets much activity, most of my posts have yielded very fewclick throughs.
Click here to sign upfor an account with shetoldme!
Again it’s an easy touse bookmarking website, but this site gives you 80% share of the adsense time.The site is done in a pirate theme which is quite funny and a break from theroutine. It also has a good search option that allows you to find articles thatinterest you!
Click here to sign upfor an account with infopirate!
Once again, this is astraight forward social bookmarking website that shares adsense revenue withyou. Indiapad allows you to rate other people articles and search for articlesof interest. It isn’t quite as polished as the sites above but it does what itsays on the tin!
Redgage is anothersite that allows you to upload photos,blogs,articles and much more.It pays in adifferent manner, it pays by page impressions. It also has a lot of draws andother sorts of on going entertainment running all the time. I do find it a bit slowsometimes but I think they are working on that.
Sign up for redgagehere !
Above are just someof the adsense sharing social bookmarking sites I have used, They are others afew of which I have experimented. I found simpy a little difficult to use andthere for not worth the time or effort and tagfoot wants you to be around forawhile before it will share revenue with you.
As for usingbookmarking as means of getting traffic the jury is still out some say it worksothers say it dosen’t. In my opinion you need to be active on the site to yieldsome benefit, simply entering tagging your article and leaving won’t do much.
Please give youropinion on the matter below, feel free to leave a comment!
Great new adsensesharing social bookmarking website
Page 360.net is agreat new adsense sharing social bookmarking website that I signed up torecently.It gives 100% adsense share to its users and is very easy to use. Ihave been only using it for a few weeks and find it really good and easy touse. Don't waste time sign up now!